Monday, July 21, 2014

Incoming: South Korea

Excuse my poor attempt at blocking out personal information, and check out this beautiful parcel from Hyein!

Are you squealing? Because I certainly was. How cute is the envelope on the left?!? It might be the most adorable thing that I own, hands down.

I also thought it was fascinating that Hyein and I both have the same pink washi tape that she used on the smaller envelope. It sounds ridiculous because globalization and all, but washi tape isn't as readily available in Saudi Arabia -- Knowing that someone all the way in Korea who was a complete stranger until now has the exact same one just blows my mind!

Hyein has been into mail art for over ten years, and it definitely shows. Who puts so much effort into the back of an envelope?!? When I die, I'd like to be cremated with these, please. Because that's not creepy at all.

These stunning postcards (and kitty sticky notes!!) were wrapped up in a gorgeous piece of lace. I love the postcards so much, they give off such a calm, vintage vibe!

The charming kitty envelope held so many treasures, starting with a long letter that Hyein painstakingly decorated. Each page was so different, yet it all tied together perfectly.

When Hyein first contacted me, I was immediately intrigued by how intelligent she seemed. Her letter only proved this further; Introduction letters can be incredibly daunting, yet each paragraph flowed with ease, as she detailed her background, interests, and aspirations in a fun, quirky manner.

She also included some delightful stickers and a whimsical tag. They are so different, and I just love how the colors pop! I think I need to move to Korea, because if this is any indication of what you can find there, then I think I've found heaven.

She also shared some Skin Food goodies and Orchid Green Tea. Yes, Orchid tea actually exists, and I had no idea until now. I love orchids!!

The smaller envelope held these kick-ass bracelets, which truly surprised me. After I graduated from college, I tried to incorporate more color into my wardrobe...which worked for a couple of years, until I realized that I really missed the simplicity (and dare I say, edge) of black. In my pursuit to regain said edge, I went in search of similar bracelets, and found absolutely nothing. Talk about serendipity -- these bracelets are a Godsend for my sartorial urges, and I'm so, so appreciative!

Hyein and I had agreed on a blind swap so that our parcels wouldn't be influenced by anything other than what little we knew about each other, and the results were incredible! We seem to share a lot of similarities, and we both agreed that we immediately clicked.

Hyein, thank you so much for your amazing parcel!! I am still blown away by how well you seemed to figure me out, and your mail art skills are absolutely inspiring! Every time I look at what you've sent me, I have a strong urge to embark on a creative project (or ten). I feel truly lucky to have exchanged mail with you, and I look forward to many more lovely interactions with you!

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