Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Tea Party Collective is centered on the idea that tea is best served alongside a collection of letters. This project aims to strengthen bonds, clear up misconceptions, and fill the world with a bit more joy through heartfelt parcels that are perfect for tea time.

A B O U T  M E
I am a 25 year old female who was born in India and grew up in Singapore. I've also lived in Qatar for five years and moved to Saudi Arabia 2.5 years ago. All these countries have helped shape the person that I am today, and I try to represent all of them in my parcels.

H O W  I T  W O R K S
You send me mail, I'll send you some back! This is a one-time exchange, which means that we'll send each other one parcel only. This is to ensure that more people stand a chance to take part in the exchange.

P A R T I C I P A N T  P R O F I L E
I am open to both local and international participants, as long as you are at least 18 years old.

W H A T  T O  S E N D

  • I will send you a normal-sized envelope containing a brief letter, and any of the following: artwork, cut-outs, print-outs, and paper goods. Depending on your interests (and available supplies at my end), I may also include goodies such as handmade jewelry, stickers, souvenirs, candy, and other surprises.

  • You may send me whatever you like, but please be mindful of what you will be getting from my end -- I would feel awful if you felt that you were shortchanged. This is simply a fun exercise on spreading some love and joy across the world while expressing our creativity, so keep it simple!

  • Worried that your artistic abilities are non-existent? Well, join the club! Remember that what you create is not important, but how much love you put into it. I'm not particularly skilled at drawing or painting but I have found that the weirdest pieces are always the most interesting.

W H A T  N O T  T O  S E N D
Since Saudi Arabia is a strict Islamic country, certain things are not allowed in. Please ensure that your parcel does not contain the following items:

  • Pork and pork-based products: This might seem obvious, but many types of candy contain either pork or beef gelatin!
  • Alcohol and alcohol-based products
  • Materials that are overtly religious, political, or risque
  • Money: Including coins and notes
  • CDs, USB drives, and the like: These may sometimes be checked by customs to prevent devil music from entering the country. Okay, maybe not devil music but seriously, they will be confiscated by customs if they are found to be inappropriate. Since what constitutes "inappropriate" is pretty subjective, it is best to err on the side of caution.

If there are specific restrictions for your country, let me know!

Still interested? Great! Leave me a message on instagram direct (@teapartycollective) or email and we'll take it from there!

Header Credits

Vintage Teacup and Vintage Cupid Mailbox by The Graphics Fairy
Old Air Mail Envelopes by Fuzzimo
Coffeeshop Dessert Treats by The CoffeeShop Blog